Rouya In a Few Words
Our Inception
Wissam Al Dabbagh
August 1, 2024

The Foundations

It was no easy feat to bring together the efforts of individuals who are members of the same family, who happen to live in different geographic locations and with different professional backgrounds, to form the nucleus of a company or institution that would combine all its employees' professional competencies under one roof.

It was rather challenging to imagine entering a fiercely competitive market and going through the necessary administrative requirements towards the  establishment of a company, and more particularly, the provision of the necessary capital and the right location and place within the professional and institutional landscape.

In the beginning, everything seemed like a challenge to the confident and capable members of this family, who were armed with valuable expertise and relentless determination in the face of adversity

The Beginning

With the help of Allah, we completed all legal requirements to set up the company and market it under the name of “Rouya” which means “vision” as it was the founders’ vision and ambitions that materialised in this initiative.

So, we rented and renovated a small office, which we furnished with basic equipment, then we started our journey with a very limited number of clients, accepting small projects and covering a few events on specific occasions.

Instead of focusing on making a quick profit, our major objective was finding a place in the market and showcasing the skills and talents of our team members, especially the highly motivated Zainab Azzam and Dareen Al Sarraj, the first two team members to join the company and nurture it in its first steps.

From left to right: Wissam Al Dabbagh, Zainab Al Dabbagh, Maryam Al Dabbagh, Abdul Rahman Salem, and Yusur Al Dabbagh

What We Are Now

Like any other experience, we encountered some challenges, which we overcame with patience and wisdom. Such challenges were a springboard towards more success and achievements in the future.

We successfully carried out our activities, especially thanks to the new members: accomplished academic researchers who tremendously enriched the team and enabled it to expand its sphere of activities, thereby gaining greater customer satisfaction and ushering in a new phase of competition at the local and international levels.

Rouya started its journey with four members from the same family, which became today a bigger family made up of 28 members of highly qualified experts and researchers from 13 different nationalities.*

From left to right, top to bottom: Zainab Al Dabbagh, Mariam Sami, Tamara Al Dabbagh, Sara Sayed, Myriem Boussaad, Einas Alhamali, Yusur Al Dabbagh, Dareen Al Sarraj, Arfa Siddiqi, and Mohamad Albaik


Every success is the result of a clear vision, innovative expertise, strong determination, and a firm belief in success. As we continue to grow, we join forces with all those who seek a generous source of excellence and outstanding services. 

*At the time of publishing this blog post

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Wissam Al Dabbagh

Wissam traversed ministerial and administrative roles in Baghdad before taking on various positions in the UAE. His belief in the power of the written word led to the founding of Rouya, where his exceptional writing skills were widely celebrated.
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Wissam Al Dabbagh

Rouya In a Few Words

Our Inception

Wissam Al Dabbagh
August 1, 2024
Find it here

Wissam Al Dabbagh

Wissam traversed ministerial and administrative roles in Baghdad before taking on various positions in the UAE. His belief in the power of the written word led to the founding of Rouya, where his exceptional writing skills were widely celebrated.

You can engage with
Wissam Al Dabbagh
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